Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Because I was just reminded of this, and want to talk about it. Even when I have a ton of work to do.

Last year, I lived in St. Mary's Hall (I go to Villanova, for those who don't know). As many people who go to 'Nova know, St. Mary's has a reputation of being haunted. It's pretty understandable why, the hallways have a crazy echo, it's a pretty old building, and there are so many little nooks and crannies that it's just inevitable that someone's ghost would take up residence. Or that people would think that it's haunted, but since I like ghost stories I'm going to agree with them and say it is indeed haunted.

But, anyway, this is a story of when I lived there. I spent little actual time in my room except for the weekends, preferring to spend my time in the Astronomy Lounge my friends and I propagated. That's not to say I didn't like my room, I loved it a lot. It was just the right size, it had its own sink, it had an extra desk where I could put up my TV and game consoles, it was just a nice little room.

One morning, as I was heading to the shower, I heard something. It was pretty customary to hear music or conversations from my hallmates, but this was different. It was a tune, only five notes that played at the edge of my hearing. I'm afraid I can't describe it without actually using my voice to try to emulate it, but know that it sounded, well, different. It repeated once or twice. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on with my day. It must be some weird New Age tune. I thought.

Then I heard it again that night as I was returning to my room. The same five notes at the same volume. I paid more attention, but again didn't think much of it.

I heard it the next day. And the day after that. Soon it came to pass that I thought it odd when I wasn't walking through the halls of St. Mary's men's dorm. Even after Winter Break, I heard it.

I had guessed that it was down the right end of the hall, toward the stairs that I always used, but that was only a guess. The hallway had a crazy echo, and if someone yelled at the far end of the hall it would sound like it was right next to your door. This made it pretty much impossible to gauge distance, direction being only slightly easier.

And every time I heard it, I always wondered who it came from. Was it just some guy down the hall that liked this one tune, or was it something more interesting? Was it the ghost of St. Mary's playing a lonely tune, was it some kind of echo from the past? Whatever it was, I always used to strain my ears to hear it when I walked through the hall, as it used to change in volume occasionally.

I've been to St. Mary's this year, even walked through the hall once or twice, but I never used to hear it.. Granted, I was with friends at the time and their voices likely drowned the ghost song out. But I wonder what would happen if I walked that hallway late at night, straining my ears like I used to....

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