Thursday, March 11, 2010


Every semester I visit my academic adviser and talk to her about my classes for the coming semester. I've been doing this with the same woman since I became an English major. The funny thing is that I can never find her office. I always think it's on the fourth floor of the building, but then I walk the rectangular hallways of the building, fail to find it, then descend to the third floor. Her office is on the second. How I have consistently failed to accurately locate this woman's office four times straight boggles my mind. And yet I find it amusing. I find a lot of my various eccentricities amusing, though many are detrimental.

I am writing this post in the Astronomy Lounge in which I spend far too much of my time. I am using a keyboard that is ridiculously dirty and yet I keep putting off replacing it. Too lazy. Why is this keyboard so darned dirty?! I've used keyboards in more public places that are far cleaner than this one. Then again, many things about this lounge mystify me. Why is there a snowboard next to the desk that holds this computer? Why are there telescopes randomly placed around the room? I know this is the Astronomy Department but some of them are placed pretty haphazardly. But, this room is used to store a lot of stuff, anyway.

I don't go on adventures enough. My friends at home and I used to explore an abandoned warehouse a few times before the police started to watch it. I didn't like it at the time but I miss how much fun it was. I wish I could lead a more spontaneous, more exciting life. I really need to start exploring more with my friends. I know quite a few that would want to. Then again, preferably I would go with a girl I was courting. I care too much about love.

I've always liked how the examples for post labels are "scooters, vacation, fall." I would like to know what post pioneered this example, because it sounds pretty sweet. Where would one go on vacation in the fall that involved scooters? Maybe somewhere in the country. I'd like to go on one someday.

I need to write on this blog more often.

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